Sunday, 3 January 2016


My quest to becoming a glam woman/wife/career woman (someday a business mogul) /mother is born out of the share fact that I am vain.

I am being brutally honest here, minus the fact that there is a “feel good factor” that comes with one  walking into a room and people complimenting/ checking / cursing you out – because there will always be haters!

I mean who doesn't want to look good?

After all, there are so many perks that come with looking good (and sounding intelligent at the same time), if you haven’t noticed- a lot of people tend to listen to you, help you or just want to be acquainted

Now, I am a strong believer in “Moderation in all things”
So, it is not about looking for perfection, but about looking after myself and feeling good about the end results.

 I do this for ME and nobody else.

*In the last 2 years, my to do list has gone from 1 to goal to several goals. lol

Goal 1
My main goal is to be healthy & fit (have a banging body after child birth) – so I can wear lovely clothes. LOL. I know right.
I have always been on a fitness journey since the first time I took out time to lose weight 12 years ago.
Current credit goes to out to Instagram fitness crew - This Man most especially.

Goal 2 
*Now I am on a hair journey – like my hair is actually growing!
(No over sabi here – I have got nothing on YouTube girls! I just do the basics - deep condition & oil hair regularly, retouch every 4 months)


Goal 3
*I have fallen in love with the art of corsetry – that waist must be snatched! I call it an art because it doesn't appeal to everyone, and not so many people understand it and how to go about it. (It is entirely different from the current trend craze of waist training in some rubber latex. I'm talking Victorian time steel boned corsets)
Credit to my one and only Lucy! No one comes close to her consolidated wealth of knowledge on corsets

Waist snatched
Wearing one here!

Half of my collection *covers eye*
 Goal 4
*I have recently included looking after my skin! – Not too much knowledge here. Everything I do is as natural and as close to nature as possible. I moisturize with a Shea butter + Castor oil + Emu oil mixture.
Soft and glowing skin is the end result.
Credit to YouTube girls again.

All of this somewhere in between my hectic life – Because I have decided to be selfish – I will take out time to look after myself! And if the roof wants to fall when I am having  “me” time – by all means let it fall :)

Life is too short.
Let's live a little.

Friday, 1 January 2016

#2016 #Ain'tNobodygattimefor....Resolutions

                              (#FacebeatbyMyself - Lagos MUA's will not run me down. lol)

Happy New Year!!

It's really crazy how time flies, I remember clearly being in Secondary school, then Uni, and now married with kids. Before you know it I'll be a GrandMa ! aaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Scary!

I had better do something meaningful with this my life sooner than later! 

Most people at this time usually make resolutions that last probably a couple of hours, days, week or months. lol

To be fair, I was once in that category, until I said to myself - Why wait until a specific date or period to embark on a journey that I really want for myself, why not now? Why later?

That was the end of me making resolutions.
Besides, there's just too much to do to wait until a new year begins.

No offence to people who take out time to make resolutions- as this most likely works for you and aids in setting your mind to follow through with the resolution.

However, I'd rather - "Make Plans, Not Resolutions"

It's 7:18am, off for a run before the kids wake up!

